CPF Funding

The Personal Training Account (CPF) is a unique opportunity for employees, the self-employed and job seekers to finance their English training.

Learn English with your CPF

The CPF is a legal right which gives young people, job seekers and employees in the private sector the possibility of financing a training program. For this, an annual budget of 500 euros is allocated for each year of work in a company. It may go up to 800 euros per year for the least qualified.

By logging into the My Training Account site (Mon Compte Formation), you can access the national file listing the eligible certifications, each with a CPF code. All you have to do is choose your training and apply for funding.

Our CPF Training Catalogue

Our training catalogue can be found entirely on the “Mon Compte Formation,” site or here.

 We offer the following:

  • preparation for various international tests (TOEIC, TOEFL, Linguaskill, Bright, etc.).
  • training in the specific vocabulary for a variety of sectors (Finance, Legal, Luxury, Retail, etc.).
  • reinforcement in General English or Professional English.

All our CPF training programs are offered as private lessons in our center or on-line.

The objectives are set by the learner and the training schedule is completely individualized.

How to use your CPF at Oxbridge?

To apply for CPF training in English, simply go to the moncompteformation.gouv.fr site, or use the “Mon Compte Formation,” app.

You will find our complete CPF training catalogue “Mon Compte Formation” here.

Find our training catalogue on the “Mon Compte Formation” application here.